Prepared Hemp PVA Friendly 4kg


Prepared Hemp PVA Friendly 4kg


This crunchy, oily hemp seed is carefully prepared by our bait technicians to give you a top quality PVA friendly product, ready to use that offers you high levels of attraction and outstanding flexibility.Sold in a resealable 3 litre jar in store and online.

Weight 4000 g


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This crunchy, oily hemp seed is carefully prepared by our bait technicians to give you a top quality, ready to use product that offers you high levels of attraction and outstanding flexibility.

Hemp Properties

· Plump, oily Hemp Seed with a high split rate

· Contains added hemp oil for even more attraction

· Perfectly cooked and ready to use

· Rich in salts, proteins, omega oils; ideal for year round use

· PVA Friendly; great in PVA bags/sticks

· An excellent year round use loose feed

. Sold in a resealable 3 litre jar in store and online.